Call to Arms
Todd’s Inheritance is today primarily recognized for its unique association with the Battle of North Point during the War of 1812. The Todd farm served as headquarters for the American troops stationed at North Point when the British fleet first threatened Baltimore in 1813. In February , the British blockaded the Chesapeake Bay and began a series of raids. In April, the fleet appeared at the mouth of the Patapsco River. General Samuel Smith ordered the American troops on the Patapsco Neck to patrol and prevent any attempt by the British to land. They established their headquarters at the Todd House. When the British attack did not materialize, the use of Bernard Todd’s house as a headquarters ended. However, videttes (mounted sentries) were stationed at the Todd House to assist with monitoring the British activities in the region. Three vidette guards were assigned to Bernard Todd’s house on September 11, 1814 when the British advanced after landing at North Point.